Linear B is a syllabic script that was used for writing Mycenaean Greek, the earliest attested language form of Greek. The script predates the Greek alphabet by several centuries.The oldest Mycenaean writing dates to about 1450 BC. It is descended from the older Linear A, an undeciphered earlier script used for writing the Minoan language, as is the later Cypriot syllabary, which also recorded Greek. Linear B, found mainly in the palace archives at Knossos, Cydonia, Pylos, Thebes and Mycenae, disappeared with the fall of Mycenaean civilization during the Bronze Age Collapse. It is also the only one of the three "Linears" (the third being Linear C, aka Cypro-Minoan 1) to be deciphered, in this case by the strangely English genius - the self-taught linguist, Michael Ventris.Michael George Francis Ventris, OBE (12 July 1922 – 6 September 1956) was an English linguist and architect who, along with John Chadwick and Alice Kober, deciphered Linear B, a previously unknown ancient script discovered at Knossos by Arthur Evans.
A prodigy
in languages, Ventris had pursued the decipherment as an avocation
since his teen-age years.
creating a new field of study, Ventris died in a mysterious
automobile accident a few weeks before publication of his first
definitive work, 'Documents in Mycenaean Greek'.
was born into a traditional army family then coming to an end.
father, Edward Francis Vereker Ventris, reached the rank of
Lieutenant Colonel in the Indian Army; he might have gone further had
he not contracted tuberculosis and retired. His grandfather, Francis
Ventris, was a Major-General who ended his career as Commander of
British Forces in China.
Both men
served in the Middle and Far East, the younger especially in India.
During one of his stays in England, Michael's future father married
Anna Dorothea Janasz (Dora), the daughter of a wealthy immigrant
landholder from Poland.
photographs reveal a slender, dark-haired beauty.
They had
one child, Michael. Health was an important family consideration
right from the beginning of Michael's life.
He had
chronic bronchial asthma. The family resided mainly in Switzerland
for eight years, which they could well afford to do.
had a reputation for being especially healthy.
A number
of health centers, or spas, catered to the physical well-being of
those who could afford to attend.
started school in Gstaad, where classes were taught only in French
and German. He was soon reasonably fluent in both languages, learning
also the dialect of German spoken in Switzerland.
He had
the facility of learning a language within a matter of weeks, which
led ultimately to his acquisition of roughly a dozen languages.
mother must have spoken Polish, as he learned that as well, all
before the age of eight.
At that
age he was reading Adolf Erman's Die Hieroglyphen in German.
In 1931
the Ventrises came home.
father's physical condition was visibly worsening year by year.
From 1931
to 1935 Michael attended Bickley Hill School in Stowe.
parents, unable to live together since 1932, divorced in 1935, when
he was 13.
At Stowe
he learned some Latin and classical Greek.
He did
not do outstanding work there.
By then
he was spending most of his spare time learning as much as he could
about Linear B, some of his study time being spent under the covers
at night with a flash-light.
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Stowe School |
mother's acquaintances, who frequented the house, included many
sculptors, painters and writers of the day.
The money
for her sophisticated life style came from the Polish estates.
Young Adult Michael's father died in 1938 when Michael was 16 years old.
Young Adult Michael's father died in 1938 when Michael was 16 years old.
became administrator of the estate.
times, however, lay ahead.
After the
German invasion of Poland in 1939 the family holdings in that country
were gone, and all income from there ceased.
In 1940
Dora's father died.
The family became practically destitute.
The family became practically destitute.
lost his mother to clinical depression and an overdose of
He never
spoke of her, assuming instead an ebullient and energetic manner in
whatever he decided to do, a trait which won him numerous friends.
At the
same time they noted that he had a dark and mysterious side as well,
associated with feelings that he was a fraud, and not a true genius.
later said that Gabo was the most family he had ever had.
It may
have been at Gabo's house that he began the study of Russian.
He had
resolved on architecture for a career.
He enrolled at the Architectural Association School of Architecture.
He enrolled at the Architectural Association School of Architecture.
There he
met and married Lois, who preferred to be called Betty.
social background was similar to what Ventris's had been: her family
was well-to-do, she had travelled in Europe, and she was interested
in architecture, in addition to which she was popular and was
considered very beautiful.
He did
not complete his architecture studies, being conscripted in 1942.
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Handley Page Halifax |
training, he studied Russian intensively for several weeks, the
purpose of which, if any, is not clear.
He took
part in the bombing of Germany, as aircrew on the Handley Page
Halifax with No. 76 Squadron RAF, initially at RAF Breighton and then
at RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor.
After the
conclusion of the war he served out the rest of his term on the
ground in Germany, for which he was chosen because of his knowledge
of Russian.
duties are unclear.
friends all assumed he was completing intelligence assignments,
interpreting his denials as part of a legal gag.
After the war he worked briefly in Sweden, learning enough Swedish to communicate with scholars in it.
Then he
came home to complete his architectural education with honors in 1948
and settled down with Lois working as an architect.
designed schools for the Ministry of Education.
Then he
and his wife designed a home for themselves and their family.
He had
two children, a son, Nikki (1942–1984) and a daughter, Tessa
(1946–). Concurrently he stepped up his effort on Linear B,
discovering finally that it was Greek, a revelation to an academic
public that had more or less given up on the mysterious script.
No one,
not even Ventris, suspected that it is the earliest known form of
was awarded an OBE in 1955 for "services to Mycenaean
He was still in his early 30,s and the world was at his feet: but which way should he go ?
The academic world did not entice such a free spirit, so he returned to architecture.
But at the end of six months, he was becoming disenchanted.
On 5 September 1956, he left his new house in Hampstead late at night and driving fast down the Barnet bypass, crashed into the back of a stationary lorry and was killed instantly: he was only 34.
The suspicion remains that if it was not exactly suicide, it was something close to it.
Should one recall perhaps that another frustrated classicist, Lawrence of Arabia, was also killed on his motorbike ?
And, of course, both men were deeply emeshed in the shadowy world of British Intelliigence.
Perhaps Ventris knew too much, or could not be trusted ?
Perhaps Ventris knew too much, or could not be trusted ?
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Evan's Reconstruction of Knossos |
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Arthur Evans |
In doing
so he uncovered a great many clay tablets inscribed with an unknown
script. Some were older and were named Linear A.
The bulk
were of more recent vintage, and were dubbed Linear B. Evans spent
the next several decades trying to decipher both, to no avail.
In 1936,
Evans hosted an exhibition of Cretan archaeology at Burlington House
in London, home of the Royal Academy.
It was
the jubilee anniversary (50 years) of the British School of
Archaeology in Athens, contemporaneous owners and managers of the
Knossos site.
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Linear B |
Boys from
Stowe school were in attendance at one lecture and tour conducted by
Evans himself at age 85. Ventris, 14 years old, was present and
remembered Evans walking with a stick.
The stick
was undoubtedly the cane named Prodger which Evans carried all his
life to assist him with his short-sightedness and night blindness.
held up tablets of the unknown scripts for the audience to see.
the interview period following the lecture, Ventris immediately
confirmed that Linear B was as yet undeciphered, and determined to
decipher it.
initial theory was that Etruscan and Linear B were related and that
this might provide a key to decipherment.
this proved incorrect, it was a link he continued to explore until
the early 1950s.
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Reconstruction of the Interior of the Palace at Knossos |
this clue, Ventris constructed a series of grids associating the
symbols on the tablets with consonants and vowels.
which consonants and vowels these were remained mysterious, Ventris
learned enough about the structure of the underlying language to
begin guessing.
Linear B tablets had been discovered on the Greek mainland, and there
was reason to believe that some of the chains of symbols he had
encountered on the Cretan tablets were names.
that certain names appeared only in the Cretan texts, Ventris made
the inspired guess that those names applied to cities on the island.
proved to be correct.
Armed with the symbols he could decipher from this, Ventris soon unlocked much text and determined that the underlying language of Linear B was in fact Greek.
Armed with the symbols he could decipher from this, Ventris soon unlocked much text and determined that the underlying language of Linear B was in fact Greek.
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Reconstruction of the Palace at Knossos |
Linear B
itself is a syllabic script that was used for writing Mycenaean
Greek, the earliest attested language form of Greek.
script predates the Greek alphabet by several centuries.
oldest Mycenaean writing dates to about 1450 BC.
It is descended from the older Linear A, a still undeciphered earlier script used for writing the Minoan language, as is the later Cypriot syllabary, which also recorded Greek.
It is descended from the older Linear A, a still undeciphered earlier script used for writing the Minoan language, as is the later Cypriot syllabary, which also recorded Greek.
Linear B,
found mainly in the palace archives at Knossos, Cydonia, Pylos,
Thebes and Mycenae, disappeared with the fall of Mycenaean
civilization during the Bronze Age Collapse.
succeeding period, known as the Greek Dark Ages, provides no evidence
of the use of writing.
It is
also the only one of the three "Linears" (the third being
Linear C, aka Cypro-Minoan 1) to be deciphered. Linear B consists of
around 87 syllabic signs and over 100 ideographic signs.
ideograms or "signifying" signs symbolize objects or
They have
no phonetic value, and are never used as word signs in writing a
application of Linear B appears to have been confined to
administrative contexts.
In all
the thousands of clay tablets, a relatively small number of different
"hands" have been detected: 45 in Pylos (west coast of the
Peloponnese, in southern Greece) and 66 in Knossos (Crete).
From this
fact, it could be thought that the script was used by only a guild of
professional scribes who served the central palaces.
Once the
palaces were destroyed, the script disappeared.
It is hard to underestimate the importance of the discovery that Linear B was Greek. Hitherto the general assumption had been that the Greeks had invaded Greece in the Dark Ages in a series of invasions, first the Dorians, followed by the Ionians, bringing with them the different dialects of Greek.
Suddenly this was all wrong. The Greeks were already in Greece, and Greek becomes the world’s prime example of a long lived language. There was also the further implication that Minoan Linear B was not essentially Minoan at all but Mycenaean, and represented a Mycenaean takeover of the Minoan palaces in their final stages and that Minoan Linear A, which is still undeciphered but is generally considered to be non-Greek, represents the original Minoan language.
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